Sunday, March 20, 2016

March 20 Build Our Foundation on Christ

We fasted this week with some of the Malaysians we are working with! It was such a cool experience. We had mentioned fasting a few times over the course of teaching them, and last week as an example we told them we were fasting this Saturday. And they wanted to participate! They fasted for help with their English, which is already improving so much. They read the Book of Mormon every day, the Chinese and English version, to help them learn. How cool is that? 
Another really neat experience this week involved some 7th day Adventists. We've actually developed a pretty strong relationship with one of the ministers there, they had us over for dinner a couple weeks ago, and gave us dinner last week as well (no big deal, right?)  Anyway, they invited us to an event they were having at their church on Saturday. There was this special speaker coming, and we went. It was so interesting to see some people's reactions, cause we had met a lot of them before on the street. There really was a sense of community as we walked in, and being able to build on common ground was so cool. I'm really grateful for all the opportunities I have had here in Australia. Who would have thought I'd be here, in a little place called Mildura, Victoria? There's so many amazing people. That's the great thing about life, it's all about the people we meet, and the relationships that are built. I have a strong testimony of relationships that are built, centered on Jesus Christ. As we grow closer to him, and surround ourselves with like minded people, those relationships are so much stronger, built on something that will never fail. That's my little spiritual thought this week. As it says in Helaman 5:12, we must "build our foundations on Christ, that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds...he will have no power over us, because of the rock upon which we are built." I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I know he lives and loves us. What a blessing to be sharing this knowledge with everyone I meet :) have a wonderful week!
Sister Townsend

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