What a week it's been. I can definitely say that spending all that time in Adelaide made me want to maximise all the time we could have in Mildura this week. And it is so cool to have a trio! We were able to split off, Sister Rougeau went with a member and Sister Matthes and I went out, we got twice the amount of work done! I love it, can't wait to see what this week has in store for us.
Sister Matthes is just amazing. She's from Samoa! I am so grateful already for her wonderful memory and great example of being a disciple of Christ. We were so blessed to bring her back with us, and she is so open with her questions as well.
On Saturday we were able to see a less active Young Woman who hasn't been to church in years probably. Her mum isn't a member, but she was baptized in Robinvale in 2010. She's had a lot of things happen in her life, but she was open to meeting more with us. It was such a miracle for me, because I've been there at least 5 times, seen the mum a couple times, who was really unreceptive and told us to go away. But there was a name written on the door post, the same name of the member we were looking for, and so Saturday as we rode past we decided to try again. And she was home! God is there, and so aware of this work. I love seeing His hand, and the amazing miracles that come when we are exactly obedient to His commandments.
I love you dear family of mine! Keep up your great work!